Today was my orientation day at the Embassy. The coordinator came and picked me up, which was awesome because otherwise I would have had to walk. I only had two hours of sleep thanks to heat and pesky little flying bugs that kept biting me (my windows are now closed, so should be better tonight).
When we got to the Embassy, the coordinator took me on a tour and introduced me to everyone. She introduced me as I guess that is how I will be known. Whatevs..
After the tour, I headed over to my department: consular. We get to deal with all the people applying for visas to enter the United States. You know when you get a visa in your passport? Yeh well someone like me stuck it on there for you, perhaps for no pay...So appreciate it!
The consular section also deals with issues American citizens may have while overseas. Such as...ending up in jail for an extended period of time..
So my duties will consist of reviewing visa applications, printing and sticking visas, passing out passports, answering the phone during call hours, and helping out during the morning open hours. Otherwise, I get to just hang out and talk with the people in my department. Thus far, they seem pretty cool. Today they 'initiated' me by making me drink Cypriot coffee (ie Turkish coffee, but 'better'). That coffee today will mark my SECOND ever. The first? Turkish coffee in Turkey.. That whole 'don't want to offend when offered' etiquette rule sometimes bites in the you know where.. The second part of the initiation is having your picture taken after your first taste. For most interns, it is apparently their first time drinking it because there are indeed some pretty funny pictures of people pulling back in horror. My picture, however, will not look so horrifying. I knew the disgusting liquid concoction that I was about to ingest. It will be emailed to me soon, so I will load it here.
The rest of the day was spent in various briefings. I got told what not to do while on the internet, and met the woman who coordinates various Embassy events. The next one coming up is on Wednesday: volleyball and swimming with the marines at the Embassy. The pool happens to be the Ambassador's. He is away on vacation ;)
Anyways, the results of the first day are promising. I could totally live this life. Granted, Cyprus is not exactly a hardship post, but still...
Here are a few pictures from my apartment/room thing:

The coordinator is really nice and keeps giving me menus from places that deliver and such. My little fridge is quickly filling up. Off to sleep now. 7am bike ride to the Embassy tomorrow...
When we got to the Embassy, the coordinator took me on a tour and introduced me to everyone. She introduced me as I guess that is how I will be known. Whatevs..
After the tour, I headed over to my department: consular. We get to deal with all the people applying for visas to enter the United States. You know when you get a visa in your passport? Yeh well someone like me stuck it on there for you, perhaps for no pay...So appreciate it!
The consular section also deals with issues American citizens may have while overseas. Such as...ending up in jail for an extended period of time..
So my duties will consist of reviewing visa applications, printing and sticking visas, passing out passports, answering the phone during call hours, and helping out during the morning open hours. Otherwise, I get to just hang out and talk with the people in my department. Thus far, they seem pretty cool. Today they 'initiated' me by making me drink Cypriot coffee (ie Turkish coffee, but 'better'). That coffee today will mark my SECOND ever. The first? Turkish coffee in Turkey.. That whole 'don't want to offend when offered' etiquette rule sometimes bites in the you know where.. The second part of the initiation is having your picture taken after your first taste. For most interns, it is apparently their first time drinking it because there are indeed some pretty funny pictures of people pulling back in horror. My picture, however, will not look so horrifying. I knew the disgusting liquid concoction that I was about to ingest. It will be emailed to me soon, so I will load it here.
The rest of the day was spent in various briefings. I got told what not to do while on the internet, and met the woman who coordinates various Embassy events. The next one coming up is on Wednesday: volleyball and swimming with the marines at the Embassy. The pool happens to be the Ambassador's. He is away on vacation ;)
Anyways, the results of the first day are promising. I could totally live this life. Granted, Cyprus is not exactly a hardship post, but still...
Here are a few pictures from my apartment/room thing:
The coordinator is really nice and keeps giving me menus from places that deliver and such. My little fridge is quickly filling up. Off to sleep now. 7am bike ride to the Embassy tomorrow...
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