20 January 2009

Internet Problems

Internet has been shaky here. I think its ok now, but I dont want to get my hopes up.

I have not been doing too much the last couple of days. Just trying to get my independent study done. I am now on page 9, so I have at least 16 more to write. And those next 16 will be the tough ones, less about introductions and more about analysis. Hopefully I can get this done before I leave for Italy on Feb. 1st.

My friend Kristin came to visit this past weekend. She was here last year on the same program with me. It was nice to have an American to talk to again, especially one who knows Turkey. She flew back to England today. She is on a bit of a multi-country winter break trip.

So I found out today that my summer internship will be in Cyprus. I am a little disappointed because I thought I would be in Turkey, but I am also excited to see Cyprus. Unfortunately, it is an unpaid internship, but it will do wonders for my resume.

I am about to head out and get some food and hopefully get some work done. I will try to post more now that it seems internet is back.

12 January 2009

Brillant News!

I got a summer internship! I am not sure where I will be working yet, but most likely I will be in Turkey. Once I know for sure, I will let you know.

It snowed today, but all of it melted before the afternoon. I woke up around 9am and everything was covered in snow. I went back to sleep until noon, and then all the snow was gone so I could not take any pictures. It will likely happen again, though, so next time there will be pictures.

I have not done much on my project, but tomorrow I will be scheduling some interviews. Hopefully after that, I can get some more writing done. It took me like 2 hours to finish a page, and I am still not sure if its how I would like it to be.. Coming out of a semester where I was writing 5 page papers in like an hour, this paper is very slow going for me... This topic is probably too complex, but hopefully it will turn out okay.

09 January 2009

Two Weeks??

So I have been in Ankara since Sunday night. I have a great place to stay and I am working on my independent study. I met with four big time gurus on terrorism and they all said they would give me an interview. One also gave me some articles he had written, only one of which was in English...

I have been here for about two weeks already and I had no idea. I still have three more though, which should be plenty of time to finish my paper.

I met with an American girl who was in the same program as me last year. She is leaving on Saturday to go back to America. Another friend of mine, however, is probably coming sometime next week. She was also here last year.

Not much interesting stuff happening really. Just trying to get this project out of the way.

03 January 2009

Lots of Snow

I am currently in Eskişehir watching lots of Law and Order. Snow has been falling all day, and a few hours last night. According to weather.com, it will snow here until next Saturday. One of my friends invited me to go skiing in a week or so, so hopefully the snow will keep up.

Not really doing much but watching movies and sleeping. I am blaming jet lag.

I hope everyone had a good new years!