05 September 2007

so tired

sorry for the lack of pictures guys. i kept forgetting to grab my cable. i havent taken too many yet, but heres what i have:

i guess he didnt want me to leave

this is the view from my dorm. it looks neat at night

i dont know what building this is, but ataturk is all over it (thats him on the horse)

this was our live music at that restaurant

this is turkey`s version of construction signs. yeh rope light!

this is the kocatepe mosque in ankara. its really big and pretty new. theres a shopping center underneath it. i took this picture from the top of the building where we have turkish class.

and here are pictures of the slums, i mean, my dorm. sorry for the retarded sideways pictures.

the study room

our broken shower door

the water "closet"

yeap. good times.

more to come.

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