So I went to Ankara and my friend, Ahmet, helped me find a place to stay and helped me out a lot. His family is originally from Adana, a city in the southeast. They have wanted to take me there for a long time, so last week I went with my friend's littlest sister, Nalan. We saw all the family and did a lot of traveling. This is Ahmet:
I also met his mom's parents, his dad's brother, and a couple other people, but not sure of their relations.
So we traveled 7 hours on a bus on Monday to get to Adana. That night, we went to the aunt's hours for dinner. The next day, we returned for breakfast, then spent the day traveling around Adana. I saw a huge mosque, a rock bridge from ancient Roman times, and the family.
The next day, we traveled to Mersin, Tarsus, and Kızkalesi. Mersin is a harbor town, Tarsus is where Paul is from, and Kızkalesi has a castle in the ocean and the caves of heaven and hell. There is also Asthma cave there. So we spent 11 hours driving around and exploring. Then we went to the uncle's house for dinner.
The next day, we rode the bus back to Ankara (another 7 hours). I spent a night there, then the next night I went to Eskişehir to pick up some papers. Then waited until 2am at the bus station to catch the bus to Istanbul.
Saturday, Ahmet picked me up from the bus station at 8am. We met his friend, then went to find breakfast. We ate at this really neat building on the shore of the Bosphorus. It had an old elevator and a little roof top tower. We went to the top and it was a really goood view.
After breakfast, we picked up Ahmet's cousin who flew in from Adana. Then we drove around all of Istanbul, then up to the black sea coast. We returned to Ahmet's friend's house, ordered pizza and waited. Then Ahmet's other cousin came and then another of his friends came. We ate pizza, hung out for a little while, then drove to Taksim square. Its a really busy place. Something like 3 million people walk around there every night. We hung out there for a little while, then drove to a cafe and hung out til the wee hours of the night.
Finally, we went to Ahmet's cousins house. I met yet another aunt and uncle, then slept for 3 hours. Then, it was time to head to the airport. My bag was 35 kilos and the lady said anything over 32 was not accepted. So I took out a few things and got it down to 31.8. I got out of the charge, but not really sure how.
The plane to London was 4 hours, then an hour or so wait, then 1.5 hour flight to Milan. Finally got to my hotel around 7pm and met a guy from my program. We tried to find dinner, but almost every place was closed. Its a bit odd going from a Muslim country to a Catholic country. You have to change your scheduling a little bit. i.e. do everything before Sunday when in the Catholic country.
There are a lot more pictures to load, but I will put them online and post the link later.
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