To add to the holiday feeling, it snowed late last night. There was a layer of snow on the cars when I went to sleep, but when I woke up, there was no sign of it. Snow is coming though. And its definitely getting colder.
I got a new phone number (5543902904). I switched companies because Turkcell is expensive and Avea gives you 500 free text messages.
I have been looking at my classes and the classes I need to graduate. Now that I am a double major, I have about 60 more credits to get before I can graduate, even though I already have 90. I am trying to figure out if I will be able to graduate on time. I will have to overload both semesters next year, take 3 courses during the winter, and take some this summer. Even then, I don't know if it will be enough. It doesn't help that basically none of the courses I take here will go towards my degrees. I also have to get 18 credits worth of honors courses, which means I will have to turn non-honors courses into honors courses by adding more work for myself :). So I may be back in the states next year, but don't expect to see me...ever.
I have to start the third Turkish class next week, even though I haven't finished the second one yet. It meets three times a week, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 9am-1pm. So on Tuesday and Thursdays, I will have 7 hours worth of Turkish class. In addition to that, on Thursday, my Turkish Foreign Policy class meets from 1:40-4:30. This class only meets for four weeks though so it wont be too bad. And then, when that class is done, I get to go home!
It stopped snowing here. :)
Hey - I'm aware I haven't contacted you in awhile but congratulations on getting a flight home! This is Terah the BMC student who is applying for the Boren this year. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that regardless of whether or not I get the Boren I will be starting my journey in the Middle East this summer when I travel to Morocco! So I'm super excited.
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